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The company organizes fire safety knowledge training

In order to effectively strengthen the company's fire safety management, popularize fire safety knowledge, and further enhance the fire safety awareness of employees, on the afternoon of December 27, 2017, Baoding Tianyixing Electric Heating Equipment Co., Ltd. conducted a fire safety knowledge training. In the training, the focus was on explaining several main aspects such as how to inspect and eliminate safety hazards, how to correctly report fire alarms, how to extinguish initial fires, how to use fire extinguishers and hydrants correctly, and how to evacuate correctly. Through the explanation of some major fire cases that have occurred in China in recent years, not only has the fire safety awareness and responsibility awareness of all employees been enhanced, but also the intuitive understanding of fire hazards has been further deepened. Through this fire safety training, employees will further enhance their fire awareness of "hidden dangers are more dangerous than open fires, prevention is better than disaster relief, and responsibility is more important than Mount Tai" in their work and life. The company requires employees to keep the alarm bells ringing, put prevention first, and combine prevention with elimination, so as to ensure that prevention is in the bud, and create a good fire safety environment for the company's safe production.